Varsha TFS Living in Australia
Learn about Australian languages, geography, animals, history and food. Understanding the culture makes it easier for you to understand how to work and live in the 'downunder' country.
Living in Australia: course outline
What is culture?
What do you know about Australia
Australia: A quick trip
1. An Australian definition of culture 2. The national language (English)
Australia: Geography
Geography: New South Wales & the Australian Capital Territory.
Geography: Victoria & Tasmania
Geography: South Australia & Western Australia
Geography: Northern Territory & Queensland
Learning check: Geography quiz
Australia: place names
Australia: Climate
Australia: Deserts
Australian Government 1: Democracy
Australian Government 2: The Constitution
Australian Government 3: Three levels of government
The history of food in Australia
Let's get cooking -classic Australian recipes
Australia: fauna (animals, birds and reptiles)
Australia: Flora (plants, trees and shrubs)
Australia: Slang
Australian Customs 1
Australian Customs 2
Australia: Events & Celebrations
Congratulations - you have completed the Living in Australian Culture course.